RAILDATE 2024.07.12

Your free weekly guide to what's happening and what's new.

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Raildate is a collaboration between the editor and a number of contributors. Please think about supplying links that you spot. The contact email address is: raildate.co.uk@gmail.com

The latest Raildate is always at https://latest.raildate.co.uk

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Thank you to this week's contributors.

The Weekly Poser: Where is this?

Not TfL - or London at all. Where is it?

Last week's Where is this?

A magnificent viaduct. Where is it?

Answer: Lydgate, NW of Todmorden. Congratulations are due to the following for their correct answers: [Fully correct] Simon Wass, Tony Harker, John Grimley, Tony Fox. [Close enough] Nigel Petre, Brian Francis, Simon Moppett, Jim Allwood. The following answers were rejected: Gauxholme, Denby Dale, Slaithwaite.

On the line towards Burnley there are several major viaducts that cross the A646, but this one - adjacent to Kitson Wood tunnel - does not.

Whilst staying in the area, I tried - and largely failed - to take photos from above, but this is a fine view. The Eagles Crag brewery occupies part of the mill behind.


We welcome links to publicly available online news items and videos from anywhere in the world.  Despite its name, Raildate covers all transport modes, including also bus, tram, air, and marine.  

Raildate may be freely distributed without permission as long as no changes whatsoever are made to the original document distributed by the Editor.

The main Raildate website https://raildate.co.uk includes a history of Raildate by the founding editor Howard Sprenger and archived editions from 1996 to the present.

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©  Matthew Shaw 2024