RAILDATE 2024.09.06

Your free weekly guide to what's happening and what's new.

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Raildate is a collaboration between the editor and a number of contributors. Please think about supplying links that you spot. The contact email address is: raildate.co.uk@gmail.com

The latest Raildate is always at https://latest.raildate.co.uk

There are sections on:

UK Rail News


East Midlands



North East

North West

Northern Ireland


South East





International Rail News




Other Transport Modes






Thank you to this week's contributors.

The Weekly Poser: Where is this?

Lots of iron & steel making here, with the attendant railway network and a locomotive works (circled red). Where is it?

Please send your answers to raildate.co.uk@gmail.com

Last week's Where is this?

A footbridge across wasteland (1971 photo). Where is it?

Answer: Gloucester. The footbridge connecting Gloucester Eastgate (left) with Central on 27th March 1971. Note the Reliant Robin parked by the NCL trailers. Congratulations are due to the following for their correct answers: John Czyrko, Colin Penfold, Bryn Pitcher, Richard Maund, Dave Mant, Steve Beck, Bernard Gudgin, Chris Gibbard, Dave Goodyear, Tony Fox, Andy Foster, Dave Winter.

Image credit: John Cull RCTS Collection

The Midland originally had a terminus next to the GWR station (circled in red below), and Bristol trains would reverse. The Tuffley loop was built in 1896, together with Eastgate station, but that made connections less easy. I recall running hard across the rickety, rattly - and lengthy - wooden footbridge to make a connection at the other station. The Tuffley Loop via Eastgate gave the Midland Railway control of Gloucester Docks traffic and allowed them to avoid sharing tracks with the GWR south of Gloucester. Before its 1975 closure, there were severe speed restrictions because of the numerous level crossings. After closure, it took time to reverse loco-hauled Bristol-Birmingham trains, but it became a non-issue with the much-loved (ha!) Voyagers.

Gloucester Catherdral is in the background. Raildate has done posers in 2024 for Worcester and Hereford, and Gloucester - where it all started in 1715 - completes the trio of cities that host the annual Three Choirs Festival.

The Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Company was based in the docks area off the Tuffley loop, employing 2,400 at its peak. A small number of first-generation DMUs were built there - classes 100, 119, 122,and 128.


We welcome links to publicly available online news items and videos from anywhere in the world.  Despite its name, Raildate covers all transport modes, including also bus, tram, air, and marine.  

Raildate may be freely distributed without permission as long as no changes whatsoever are made to the original document distributed by the Editor.

The main Raildate website https://raildate.co.uk includes a history of Raildate by the founding editor Howard Sprenger and archived editions from 1996 to the present.

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©  Matthew Shaw 2024