RAILDATE 2024.09.20

Your free weekly guide to what's happening and what's new.

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Raildate is a collaboration between the editor and a number of contributors. Please think about supplying links that you spot. The contact email address is: raildate.co.uk@gmail.com

The latest Raildate is always at https://latest.raildate.co.uk

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This is the 100th edition of Raildate since your current editor took over from founding editor Howard Sprenger

Every edition since 2003 is here + summaries from 1995: https://raildate.co.uk


UK Rail News




North West


South East





International Rail News







Other Transport Modes




Thank you to this week's contributors.

The Weekly Poser: Where is this?

An iconic location in British film history. Both railways are now closed but one is now a fine cycleway. Where is it?

Please send your answers to raildate.co.uk@gmail.com

Last week's Poser

Please identify the locomotive class.

Answer: (Derby) Sulzer Type 2/Class 24. It can be distinguished from the Class 25s by having two ventilation grills adjacent to the roof access steps, whereas the Class 25 had one (picture below). Congratulations are due to the following for their correct answers: Colin Penfold, Dave Goodyear, Simon Wass, Bob Joshua, Steve Beck, Paul Hopper, Jim Allwood, Dave Mant, Gérard van Teeffelen, Leslie Braithwaite, Tony Fox, Andrew Treves. With apologies to the four people who plumped for Class 25.

The locomotive (D5024) is seen here at Derby ex-works. Its first allocation was to Ipswich on 02/10/59, but it moved many times after that.

I have fond memories of the early "skinhead" version, the Class 24. They were to be found on all classes of traffic around my home in Shrewsbury. None were allocated to 6D (Shrewsbury) but they often used the refuelling point - where my brother's business premises now stand. Summer Saturdays in the early 1970s between 12:15 and 12:40 were the occasion when six Class 24s were pretty-well guaranteed. The Euston-Aberystwyth would arrive double-headed at 12:18 and depart in reverse with two more Class 24s at 12:26. The original locos would trail behind, and move onto the Shrewsbury triangle. The Aberystwyth-Euston would then arrive at 12:31 and depart with the first set of locos at 12:39. Using the triangle meant the crew didn't have to change ends. Each departure was an explosion of noise and diesel smoke. Happy days.

D5024 became 24024 and was withdrawn in 1975 after suffering fire damage. Scrapped in 1977.


We welcome links to publicly available online news items and videos from anywhere in the world.  Despite its name, Raildate covers all transport modes, including also bus, tram, air, and marine.  

Raildate may be freely distributed without permission as long as no changes whatsoever are made to the original document distributed by the Editor.

The main Raildate website https://raildate.co.uk includes a history of Raildate by the founding editor Howard Sprenger and archived editions from 1996 to the present.

Facebook members are encouraged to join the Raildate group.

©  Matthew Shaw 2024